Asian Ranking

Asian Rankings points are allocated based on international open championships of ABF affiliations held each year and official championships such as Asian Tenpin Bowling Championships, Regional Championships (SEA Games and East Asian Championships), Asian Games, Asian Indoor & Martial Arts Games, GCC Championships, World Championships, World Games and IBF World Cup.

Championships to be considered for Asian Zone Ranking
1. World Level Championships
  1. World Championships (Men and Women)
  2. World Championships (Men)
  3. World Championships (Women)
  4. World Games
  5. IBF World Cup

2. Asian Zone Level Championships
  1. Asian Tenpin Bowling Championships
  2. Asian Games
  3. Asian Indoor & Martial Arts Games

3. Regional Level Championships
  1. South East Asian Games
  2. East Asian Championships
  3. GCC Tournament/GCC Championships

4. Regional Open Championships
  1. Open Championships
  2. Annual Sanctioned Open Championships with a minimum participants from 3 countries

(every 4 years)
(every 2 years)
(every 2 years)
(every 4 years)
(every year)

(every 2 years)
(every 4 years)
(every 4 years)

(every 2 years)
(every 2 years)
(every 2 years)

(every year)
(every year)

Eligibility for youth championships in the Asian Zone
1. Youth Championships
  1. Asian Youth Tenpin Bowling Championships
    Only nationals of the country of the member federation submitting the entry are eligible to represent that federation in the Asian Youth Tenpin Bowling Championships and shall be certified for the competition by the respective national federation holding current paid up membership in the International Bowling Federation and in Asian Bowling Federation.

    The players must be 20 years of age and below as of 1st January in the year of the championships.

  2. Asian Junior Tenpin Bowling Championships
    Only nationals of the country of the member federation submitting the entry are eligible to represent that federation in the Asian Junior Tenpin Bowling Championships and shall be certified for the competition by the respective national federation holding current paid up membership in the International Bowling Federation and in Asian Bowling Federation.

    The players must be 18 years of age and below as of 1st January in the year of the championships.

(every 2 years)

(every year)

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2024 | 2023 | 2022
2021 | 2020 | 2019
2018 | 2017 | 2016
2015 | 2014 | 2013
2012 | 2011 | 2010