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Asian Bowling Federation (formerly known as FIQ-WTBA Asian Zone) was formed to promote and foster interest in amateur tenpin bowling tournaments and competitions, especially in Asia and bowlers from other zones of the WTBA.

Asian Bowling Federation is a member of the World Bowling (formerly known as FIQ) and World Tenpin Bowling Association and is recognized by the Fédération International des Quilleurs (FIQ) since 1979 as the Asian Zone governing body for the sport of tenpin bowling. In that capacity, the Asian Bowling Federation is autonomous in administering the sport and is responsible to:

  • Promote the development of tenpin bowling throughout the Asian Zone.
  • Promote the Olympic movement.
  • Contribute to the achievement of the goals set forth in the Olympic Charter.
  • Establish rules for the the uniform practice of tenpin bowling throughout the Asian Zone.
  • Ensure that official bowling activities meet the requirements of the Olympic Charter.

Asian Bowling Federation has member federations located in 37 countries throughout Western Asia, Asia, and Pacific-Rim. Asian Bowling Federation regulates tenpin bowling discipline and sanctions numerous regional championships for men, women, and youth.

You can view or download the amended Constitution dated 14th October, 2017.

 Hon. Life President
 Ms. Vivien Lau, BBS, JP
 Hong Kong Tenpin Bowling
 Tel: +852 2893 6039
 Fax: +852 2893 6290
 Hon. Advisors  Hon. Presidents
 Mr. Kyohei Akagi
 Dr. Abdulla Kareem Al Reyes
 Dr. Nat Indrapana, IOC Member
 Dr. Wu Ching-Kuo, IOC Member
Executive Committee
 Sheikh Talal Mohammed

 Kuwait Bowling Federation
 Tel: +965 2262 0113 - 4
 Fax: +965 2262 0112
Vice Presidents
 HRH Abdulhakim Al-Saud
 Western Region
 Saudi Bowling Federation
 Tel: +966 2682-7968
 Fax: +966 2691 6473
 Mr. Choi Jang-Kyu
 Far East Region
 Korea Bowling Congress
 Tel: +82-31-718-3421
 Fax: +82-31-718-3420
 Ms.Suwalai Satrulee
 South East Region
 Thai Tenpin Bowling
 Tel: +662 321 2310
 Fax: +662 321 9624
 Mr. Michael Seymour
 Oceania Region
 Tenpin Bowling Australia Ltd
 Tel: +61 7 3262 4455
 Fax: +61 7 3262 5544
 Executive Committee Members
 Mr. Bandar Al-Shafi
 Qatar Bowling
 Tel: +974 774-74074
 Fax: +974 494-4866
 Mr. Ma Chi Seng
 Macau China Bowling
 Tel: +853 299 2888
 Fax: +853 963 305
 Mr. Farouk Haridi
 Egyptian Bowling
 Tel: +20 12-210 2768
 Fax: +20-2 643 0642
 Mr. Alexander S. Lim
 Philippine Bowling
 Tel: +63 828 7888
 Fax: +63 828 8111
 Dr. Kaoru Kitagawa Ph.D.
 Japan Bowling Congress
 Tel: +81 3 3452 4501
 Fax: +81 3 3452 4504
Non-Executive Committee
 Hon. Secretary General  Hon. Auditor
 Ms. Emba Leung
 c/o Hong Kong Tenpin
 Bowling Congress
 Tel: +852 2893 6039
 Fax: +852 2893 6290
 Mr. Winston Chan
 Macau China Bowling
 Tel: +853 299 2888
 Fax: +853 963 305
Mailing Address
 President/Hon. General Secretary
 Room 2004, Olympic House
 1 Stadium Path, So Kon Po, Causeway Bay, Hong Kong
 Tel: +852 2893 6039
 Fax: +852 2893 6290
 Email: hktbc@netvigator.com

The World Bowling (formerly known as WTBA/FIQ) is the world governing body of the sport of tenpin bowling. It consists of three Zones, namely: the American Zone (with 27 member countries), the Asian Zone (with 37 member countries) and the European Zone (with 41 member countries) - 98 countries in all.

The primary role of the World Bowling is to regulate, popularize and promote the sport of tenpin bowling. It does this by sanctioning equipment and lane conditions and by establishing and monitoring the rules under which the sport is played in each of its National Federations. It also assists with the structure and development of its member Federations, helping to provide skills development and elite athlete pathways, coaching and officials accreditation and generally upgrading the skills of bowlers of all ages.

World Bowling is administered by the Presidium which is made up of the following members:-

  • President (elected during the Congress every four years)
  • 1st Vice President (elected by the Congress every four years)
  • 2nd Vice President (elected by the Congress every four years)
  • Secretary General (appointed by the President)
  • Presidents of the three Zones
  • One Delegate from each of the Zones (nominated by the Zones)

There are several Sub-Committees appointed by the President and the Presidium to take care of Marketing and Development, Technical, Tournament, Coaching, Women in Bowling, Rules and World Ranking. These committees and the Presidium meet three to four times a year, often via electronic communication.

World Standard Practices
Tenpin bowling has the greatest respect for fair play amongst all competitors and applies Doping Control procedures that are identical to those of the IOC in all its major Championships. All the Country members of the international body are also subject to these controls, by means of our global Doping Policies and are strongly encouraged to incorporate these policies within their own national regulations.

You can download Statues and Playing Rules (1st April 2017) and Anti-Doping Rules (Based on the 2009 World Anti-Doping Code). For more details of World Bowling, please visit www.worldbowling.org.

World Bowling Executive Board
 Sheikh Talal Mohammed

 Asian Bowling Federation
 Tel: +965 2262 0113 - 4
 Fax: +965 2262 0112
 1st Vice President  2nd Vice President
 Ms. Suwalai Satrulee
 Thai Tenpin Bowling
 Secretary General
 Tel: +662 321 2310
 Fax: +662 321 9624
 Mr. Ulf Sjöblom
 Swedish Bowling Federation
 Tel: +46 031 337 1707
 Fax: +46 031 337 1707
 Chief Executive Officer (CEO)  Secretary General
 Mr. Kevin Dornberger
 World Bowling
 2208 Brookside Dr.
 Arlington, TX 76012
 Tel: +1 414-803-9188
 Ms. Vivien Lau, BBS, JP
 Hong Kong Tenpin Bowling
 Tel: +852 2893 6039
 Fax: +852 2893 6290
 Executive Board Members
 Dr. Danny Santos
 Asian Bowling Federation
 Tel: +965 2262 0113
 Fax: +965 2262 0112
 Mr. Michael Seymour
 Asian Bowling Federation
 Tel: +61 7 3262 4455
 Fax: +61 7 3262 5544
 Mr. Addie Ophelders
 European Bowling Federation
 Tel: +31 318 559 343
 Fax: +31 318 559 349
 Mr. Kim Thorsgaard Jensen
 European Bowling Federation
 Tel: +45 86 22 99 90
 Mr. Martin Faba
 Pan-American Bowling
 Tel: +506 2245 6000
 Fax: +506 2283 3700
 Mr. Jorge A. Franco
 Pan-American Bowling
 Tel: +571 250 1525
 Fax: +571 225 1941

Last update: 3rd March, 2018
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An introduction of Asian Bowling Federation, its charter and activities in the Asian Zone. Details...
Executive Committee
Executive Committee of Asian Bowling Federation and its staff members including mailing address and contact. Details...
World Bowling
Consists of the three geographical zones - America, Europe and Asia. Detail of its Presidium Members is also available. Details...
Tournament Application
To apply for ABF sanctioning, please download this ABF Tournament Application FormDetails...