This tournament is sanctioned by the Asian Bowling Federation and will be conducted under FIQ/WTBA Rules and Regulations. This tournament will serve as the qualifying round for the Indonesia Leg of the ABF Tour 2004, which will take place on the 9th and 10th of October at the same venue. It will also be one of the ranking tournaments in Asia toward the World Bowling Masters.
The official hotel of the 2nd IIOTBC is the Raddin Hotel, which is located in the same compound as the Jaya Ancol Bowling, and is within walking distance. The hotel has provided us with a special rate of Rp. 290.000,- nett per night, for a double or single occupancy, inclusive of breakfast. Scheduled transportation to and from the airport to the official hotel as well as between the official hotel and the bowling alley will also be provided. Hotel reservation form is enclosed for your convenience.
The 2nd IIOTBC Rules and Regulations, Prizes, Squad Schedules, as well as Confirmation Form. Presently, we have given priorities to overseas and out of state bowlers on the last 4 qualifying days. However, to ensure your preferred squad schedules, we encourage that you send your confirmations at your earliest convenience.
As Indonesia has recently altered its visa policies, please kindly take special note on the visa requirements information that is applicable to members of your delegates. For further information on the IIOTBC, you are kindly invited to visit our website at
Thank you for your kind attention and support of the 2nd Indonesia International Open Tenpin Bowling Championship. We look forward to see you in Jakarta come October!
Yours sincerely,
 Christina Koo Tournament Director |