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Championship Title
21st East Asian Tenpin Bowling Championship Page 1 | 2 | 3

The 21st East Asian Tenpin Bowling Championship will be held from the 22nd to 29th June in Hong Kong, hosted by Hong Kong Tenpin Bowling Congress. Seven member countries will be battling for medals in the Singles, Doubles, Trios, Team and Masters events.

Korea and Japan, who dominated the 20th edition of the East Asian Tenpin Bowling Championships held in Korea, shared top spot with 51 points with Korea winning 5 Gold, 4 Silver and 3 Bronze medals while Japan took home 4 Gold, 6 Silver and 4 Bronze medals.

21st East Asian Cship logo
Tournament Schedule

The schedule is based on WTBA World Tenpin Bowling Championship format - Singles, Doubles, Trios, Team of Four, All Events and Masters Finals.

Date Time  Events
21st Jun
1500 - 1800  Ball Registration
22nd Jun
1000 - 1200  East Asian Tenpin Bowling Council Meeting (Official Hotel)
1000 - 1730  Ball Registration
1400 - 1600  Team Managers' Meeting (The Royal Pacific Hotel & Tower)
1830 - 1900  Opening Ceremony (Mei Foo Super Fun Bowl)
1900 - 2000  Welcome Reception ( (The Royal Pacific Hotel & Tower))
23rd Jun
0800 - 0930  Oiling
0930 - 1200  Official Practice Squad A
1200 - 1330  Oiling
1330 - 1600  Official Practice Squad B
 Competition Day 1
24th Jun
0800 - 0900  Oiling
0900 - 1200  Singles Men (Long Oil)
1200 - 1300  Oiling
1300 - 1600  Singles Women (Long Oil)
1630 - 1700  Medal Presentation for Singles (Men & Women)
 Competition Day 2
25th Jun
0800 - 0900  Oiling
0900 - 1200  Doubles Women (Short Oil)
1200 - 1300  Oiling
1300 - 1600  Doubles Men (Short Oil)
1630 - 1700  Medal Presentation for Doubles (Men & Women)
 Competition Day 3
26th Jun
0800 - 0900  Oiling
0900 - 1130  Trios Men - 1st Block of 3 games (Short Oil)
1130 - 1230  Oiling
1230 - 1500  Trios Women - 1st Block od 3 games (Short Oil)
1500 - 1600  Oiling
1600 - 1900  Team of Five Men & Women - 1st Block of 3 games (Long Oil)
 Competition Day 4
27th Jun
0800 - 0900  Oiling
0900 - 1130  Trios Women - 2nd Block of 3 games (Long Oil)
1130 - 1230  Oiling
1230 - 1500  Trios Men - 2nd Block od 3 games (Long Oil)
1500 - 1600  Oiling
1600 - 1900  Team of Five Men & Women - 2nd Block of 3 games (Short Oil)
1930 - 2030  Medal Presentation for Trios (Men & Women)
 Medal Presentation for Team of Five (Men & Women)
 Competition Day 5
28th Jun
0800 - 0900  Oiling
0900 - 1115  Masters Men - 1st Block of 8 games (Short Oil)
1115 - 1145  Medal Presentation for All Events (Men & Women)
1145 - 1245  Oiling
1245 - 1500  Masters Women - 1st Block of 8 games (Short Oil)
 Competition Day 6
29th Jun
0800 - 0900  Oiling
0900 - 1115  Masters Women - 2nd Block of 8 games (Long Oil)
1115 - 1215  Oiling
1215 - 1430  Masters Men - 2nd Block of 8 games (Long Oil)
1430 - 1530  Oiling
1530 - 1630  Stepladder Finals Men & Women
1630 - 1700  Medal Presentation for Masters (Men & Women)
1930  Victory Banquet (The Royal Pacific Hotel & Towers)
30th Jun

For further information, please contact:


Hong Kong Tenpin Bowling Congress
Room 2004, Olympic House
1 Stadium Path, So Kon Po
Causeway Bay, Hong Kong
Tel: 852 2891 9786
Fax: 852 2575 2145
Email: hktbc@netvigator.com

Detailed Scores
Men's Singles
Women's Singles
Men's Doubles
Women's Doubles
Men's Trios 1stBlk
Women's Trios 1stBlk
Men's Trios 2ndBlk
Women's Trios 2ndBlk
Men's Team 1stBlk
Women's Team 1stBlk
Men's Team 2ndBlk
Women's Team 2ndBlk
Men's All Events
Women's All Events
Men's 1stBlk Mstr
Women's 1stBlk Mstr
Men's 2ndBlk Mstr
Women's 2ndBlk Mstr
Men's Stepladder
Women's Stepladder
Men's Medal Tally
Women's Medal Tally
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