7th Chinese Taipei International Open |
Rules & Regulations |
All CTBA and FIQ WTBA playing rules and regulations shall apply.
This Tournament is sanctioned by Asian Bowling Federation.
This Tournament is open to all current paid up members of CTBA affiliates and WTBA subject to Rules 204 in the WTBA playing rules & regulations.
All registered bowlers, regardless of average, will be eligible to play in this division.
All registered men bowlers with the average of 195 and below and women of 185 and below will be eligible to play in this division. Only certified averages issued by CTBA affiliated Congresses or leagues will be honored. Overseas bowlers must produce written confirmation of their averages from their respective Association or Congresses.
All registered men and women bowlers 55 years of age and above as at July 4, 2005 will be eligible to play in this division. Senior Division bowlers will only play in the Masters Qualifying games to enter into the Masters Finals. Handicap for women bowlers will be 6 pins per game, while one pin per year (age) per game will be given to bowlers above the age of 55 years old.
All registered boy and girl bowlers must not be older than 22 years of age plus 364 days on Jan. 1, 2005 of the tournament. They will only play in the Masters Qualifying games to enter into the Masters Finals. Handicap for girl bowlers will be 6 pins per game.
NT$800 per bowler (one time payment) for all categories.
This will entitle all registrants to a tournament souvenir and to attend the Victory Banquet at 7:00pm on July 23, 2005.
All entries must be submitted with the relevant fees. No refund will be allowed.
Only official averages of CTBA affiliated Congresses or Bowling Leagues will be used. Overseas bowlers must produce written confirmation of their averages from their respective Association or Congresses.
Bowlers must play in their respective grades or in higher one. Bowlers from a higher grade will not be eligible to play in any of the lower grades. Bowlers in Graded division who wish to participate in the Open division after qualifying in their respective grade, may do so without competing in the All-Events again in the Open division. However they have to pay an additional All-Events of NT$800.
If preferred squad times indicated on the entry forms are not available, the Tournament Director or his Assistants reserve the right to reallocate squad times at their discretion. The Tournament Director reserves the right to open additional squads.
Substitutions may be allowed provided it is reported to the Tournament Director or his Assistants and duly approved by at least 15 minutes before the time of play.
4 games will be bowled in this event. A bowler may try in as many attempts with the first attempt bowled to count in the All-Events. Note: No bowler may win more than one prize in the Singles event. Game Fee - NT$600 per attempt.
4 games will be bowled in this event. An entrant may bowl as many times as he/she chooses with the first attempt bowled to count in the All-Events. The same combination may try in as many attempts but they may win only one prize in the Doubles event. Two game series will be bowled by each bowler. Game Fee - NT$600 per attempt.
6 games will be bowled in this event. An entrant may bowl as many times as he/she chooses with the first attempt bowled to count in the All-Events. The same combination may try in as many attempts but they may win only one prize in the Trios event. Two game series will be bowled by each bowler. Game Fee - NT$900 per attempt.
Open Division: NT$800 per bowler
Graded Division: NT$500 per bowler
This fee must be paid before attempting any of the Events. Failing to do so shall disqualify his/her All-Events score. The onus is on the bowler to ensure that he/she has paid up this Fee before he/she attempts his/her first Event of the All-Events.
All-Events champion and runner-ups will be declared in each division from total pinfalls of their first attempt in Singles, Doubles, and Trios.
- High Game awards will be given to the highest game bowled in their respective grades throughout the entire championships INCLUDING THE MASTERS FINALS.
- 300-game : A total of NT$200,000 will be awarded to (or evenly shared by) bowler(s) who scored the perfect game during the entire tournament period (subject to confirmation).
SPECIAL NOTE: A lower grade bowler playing in a higher division will have his/her score classified according to the grade entered for.
It is the responsibility of each bowler and/or the team captain to verify the correctness of each game bowled by signing on the official entry form of each event. Once signed, the score shall stand unless otherwise decided by the Tournament Committee.
In the event of any interruptions caused by power failure, the following procedure shall be followed:
- Any part of a game that cannot be recalled will be re-bowled from the first frame.
- If more than one game cannot be recalled, the series shall be declared null and void and a fresh series be rescheduled.
- If only one frame is missing, the bowler shall continue from the last frame bowled.
All balls used in the Tournament must be registered with the Tournament Office and be certified as legal for weight and other specifications. The onus is on the bowler to ensure that all balls he/she uses are certified legal as above.
If at any time a bowler is found to have used an illegal ball even if previously certified legal by the Tournament Office, he/she shall be disqualified from the entire Tournament and stripped of all his/her winnings or positions standing and if the Tournament Committee is of the opinion that such usage was deliberate and was intended to cheat, he/she may be further reported to the CTBA Disciplinary Committee/ or ABF Executive Committee for additional penalization. He/she may also be asked to return immediately to the Tournament Director any awards that may have already been given to him/her.
- This event is open to those bowlers who have competed and completed All-Events in their respective grades and have paid up proof of their All-Events entries. A bowler who has qualified in his/her respective grade may play in a higher grade.
- The qualifying scores will be based on 4 games total in the Singles event.
- In the event of a tie for the last position in the qualifying round, a one game roll-off will serve as a tie breaker.
- All qualifiers must check with the Tournament Director 24 hours before their finals roll-off, to confirm their fixtures and/or to check for any changes in the schedule.
- No. of Qualifiers for the Masters roll-off:
- Defending Champion
- Top 13 Local qualifiers
- Top 13 Overseas qualifiers
- Top 12 Qualifiers from local and overseas pool
- Defending Champion
- Top 11 Local qualifiers
- Top 11 Overseas qualifiers
- Top 10 Qualifiers from local and overseas pool
- Top 16 Qualifiers
- All the above top qualifiers based on the Singles score, will be listed in the Championship Results Board for the entire duration of the qualifying round.
- Masters Final's format for Graded/Senior/Youth Divisions
The top 16 qualifiers will bowl a total of 15 match games with handicap and bonus pins in two blocks to determine the top 6 bowlers. The 4th ,5th and 6th placed bowlers will roll off (dropping the previous pins)one game. The winner will move on to bowl with the 3rd and 2nd placed players for another one game. The winner will then challenge the 1st placed bowler on a one plus one game step-ladder final to determine the champion.
Game fee: Graded: NT$1,500 Senior/Youth: NT$1,200
This event is open to all Men bowlers. The top 13 local qualifiers, top 13 overseas qualifiers and top 12 qualifiers from local and overseas pool, together with the defending Champion will play in the Masters Finals on Friday, July 22, at 1:00pm, check-in at 12:00pm. Reserves will be called at 12:30pm. The Masters Finals format will be played in 3 Rounds as follows:
ROUND 1 - 39 bowlers will bowl 8 games in Round 1.
ROUND 2 - 39 bowlers will bowl another 8 games. The scores of Round 1 will be carried forward. At the end of the Round 2 based on 16 games total, top 6 bowlers will qualify for Round 3.
ROUND 3 - The 4th, 5th & 6th placed bowlers will bowl one game. Winner with the hightest score
will qualify to meet 2nd and 3rd placed bowlers for another one game competition. The winner with the highest scroe will then qualify to meet the 1st placed bowler in a one plus one games step-ladder grand finals. In the event the 1st placed bowler wins the 1st game, he will be declared the Champion. If the 1st placed bowler loses the 1st game, there will be one more game (sudden death) play off on scratch to decide the Champion.
Players failing to qualify for the Masters Finals shall fill vacancies, which may exist at the start of Round 1 of the Masters Finals. Such vacancy or vacancies shall be filled from the non-qualifiers available at that time in the order of finish in the qualifying competition. In case of a tie between two or more available non-qualifiers, the selection will be made by draw.
A finalist who withdraws for any reasons after Round 2 has begun or fails to register in person for Round 2 prior to the specific time, shall be replaced immediately by a "pacer".
Game Fee : NT$2,500.
This event is open to all women bowlers. The top 11 local qualifiers, top 11 overseas qualifiers and top 10 qualifiers from local and overseas pool, together with the defending Champion will play in the Masters Finals on Friday, July 22, at 1:00pm, check-in at 12:00pm. Reserves will be called at 12:30pm.
The Format of Masters Finals in 3 Rounds will be the same as for the Men's Open Masters in item 8) above.
Game Fee: NT$2,500.
All Masters Finalists must check in personally 30 minutes to one hour before their respective roll-off times. Reserves will be called 30 minutes before roll-off.
- When equal score ties are registered for any of the first three positions in the Singles, Doubles and Trios, co-champions or co-winners shall be declared. There shall be no play-off of the tie. Teams or players with equal scores will share the same prizes and the next position will get, in case of a tie for the first position, the 3rd position prize, and in case of a tie for the 2nd or 3rd position, no prizes at all.
- When a tie occurs for the last place in the Masters qualifying, a one game roll-off shall be held to determine the positions.
- If a tie exists in (b) after the tie breaker, the ninth and tenth frame roll-off will be utilized and /or repeated until the tie is broken.
Any bowler found guilty of cheating at scores, averages eligibility or in any other counts will be immediately disqualified from the entire Tournament and reported to the Disciplinary Committee of CTBA for further action. He/she will also be stripped of his/her winnings and positions standing and be asked to return to the Tournament Director any awards that may have already been given to him/her. When in doubt, bowlers are reminded to consult with the Tournament Director on any issues.
- All men bowlers in shorts and/or singlets will not be permitted to bowl. Women bowlers may wear half-length slacks.
- If in the opinion of the Tournament Director or his appointed officials on duty a bowler is not properly and appropriately dressed, he/she may not be permitted to bowl.
Bowlers who are in readiness to step on the approach to deliver a ball, shall have the following rights and obligations:
- They may claim right of way over anyone moving to the approach or preparing to bowl on the lane immediately on their left.
- They may claim right of way over anyone moving to the approach or preparing to bowl on the lane immediately on their right.
- Players shall be ready to bowl when it is their turn should not delay to go to the approach, if a lane immediately adjacent to them on the left and right side is clear.
Penalty shall be imposed to bowler(s) who is four frames (for Singles, Doubles and Masters Finals), and two frames (for Team Event) slower from the leader not counting the end pair of lanes. The penalty will be to forfeit the score in the next frame.
- SCORES: Must be submitted in writing to the Tournament Director or his Assistants within 12 hours of the event, and in the case of an elimination round, before the next round. In the case of the last match of the Step-Ladder Grand Finals of the Masters event, such protests, if any should be made to the same Officials before prize presentation. No protests made after the prize presentation will be entertained.
- FOUL: Must be brought to the attention of the Tournament Judge before the delivery of the next ball. No complaints made after the 2nd ball has been bowled shall be entertained.
- ELIGIBILITY: Must be submitted in writing to the Tournament Director or his Assistants within 24 hours of the first infringement or before the next round or prize presentation whichever is earlier.
- Bowlers are requested to refrain from swearing on the lanes.
- Bowlers shall restrict themselves to their specific lanes and exercise consideration for all participants.
- Bowlers wearing soft rubber soles on their non-sliding foot may be barred from further bowling subject to the scrutiny of the Tournament Director.
- Bowlers are not allowed to sand or apply any form of liquid or chemical on the surface of bowling balls during any block of competition.
- The Tournament Director reserve the right to accept or reject any entry they deem fit.
- Any matters arising and not covered in these Tournament Rules will be decided by the Tournament Chairman, the Tournament Director or the Tournament Committee whose decision shall be final subject only to appeal to the CTBA Council. Such appeal should be made in writing and within 48 hours of the decision by any of the above.
Not withstanding the above, an appeal FOR THE DECISION OF THE CTBA may still be lodged with the Asian Bowling Federation but through CTBA and within 30 days of the CTBA Council's decision.
* Chinese rules & regulations shall apply where there are varying interpretations.
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